Not why but how?


Partner with Partners

Relying on longstanding partnerships with values-aligned stakeholders and service providers to execute our projects. Because we consider all design, sustainability, and engineering considerations upfront, we are able to drive down construction costs and drive up yield.

Value through efficacy

At the core of our approach is a design-build model that reduces waste. Our integrated project delivery approach and integrative design process bring together the key components of a project at the start, streamlining costs, building processes, and timelines in a way that optimizes for both returns and sustainability.


The Alpha’s in the Detail

The Alpha return in CRE as opposed to stocks and bonds is primarily generated by the investment owner/manager through its control of the real estate asset. This hands-on control of the real estate asset, leases, income/expenses and capital structure enables the owner/manager to generate Alpha return. We’re hands on and seek Alpha not through competing with other properties on face rent but managing our business’ costs better than they can.

sIG’s approach results in: 

  • Lower construction costs: Using a modular approach increases delivery speed and cuts cost for materials.

  • Higher yields: up to 3 times the revenue per square foot, as compared to traditional units, driven by wellness offering.

  • Greater efficiency: more utilization and low utility costs translates to higher gross to net utilization ratios. Less operating expenditures also lead to a higher Net Operating Income (NOI).

  • Reduced vacancy rates: We bring projects to life that meet the needs of more than 50% of the rental market demand in the communities we develop in. 

  • Downturn resiliency: Rents are at a 15-25% discount to competing units